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Third Multiplier Event - 23/05/2015

MusiChild’s third multiplier event took place in Rome organized by Scuola Popolare di Musica Donna Olympia.

Date: Saturday 23 of May 2015, 9.30 – 13.30
Location: Teatro Scuderie Villino Corsini, Villa Pamhjili, Rome (Italy)
Participants: Forty - nine (49) Kindergarten and Primary school teachers from the public, private and communal sectors from different parts of Italy.  

 Brief description of the multiplier event:

 1. Paola Anselmi (Scuola Popolare di Donna Olimpia - partner hosting the third MusiChild workshop) presents the main topics of the project, focusing on the development that the project is having on new ideas that are emerging from the meetings of the team from the four countries of the Mediterranean (Cyprus, Spain, Greece and Italy), especially regarding the last Outputs (evaluation tools and multicultural and intercultural curriculum).

Briefly describes the philosophical aspects of the Project and the importance of intercultural music education for young children, emphasizing three steps necessary so that it can be made an intercultural education: a deep knowledge of their roots, the comparison between the different traditions (broadly global: history, religion, politics, philosophy, art, society) of our countries with attention to differences and similarities and seeking mergers, intersections, interchanges, integration between these experiences, strong of a common root that is the Mediterranean geographical area

2. Prf. Dr José Luis Arostegui presents to teachers new ideas that emerged from the data collected in the pilot study regarding the emergent evaluation tool of the partnership for an intercultural music education and Dr. Zoe Dionisiou speaks of MusiChild musicality protocol.

3. The representatives of Italy, Cyprus and Greece offer musical activities (games, songs and dances) extracted from the material in preparation for the Musichild Manual and CD. The activities are offered in an 'intercultural' way between different musical examples taken by the countries involved, for example by mixing in one teaching activity: a melody presented by the Coordinator of the project in Cyprus, an Italian game with hands and a popular melody common to Italy, Greece and Cyprus.

4. Presentation of other musical proposals by the three representatives of the team Musichild, with the intention of offering examples of methodological processes involving all the elements of a musical and social culture (singing, movement, rhythm, narrative, stories of tradition, core activities etc.). The attention is focused on how informal and traditional early childhood music learning/teaching practices contribute to formal practices cross-culturally.

5. Presentation of some traditional games with the aim of sharing the need to 'modernize' some traditional content closer to the children who are now living in our cultures - new vision of a tradition 'modern' or updated, common needs of the Mediterranean.

6. Conclusions and discussion - questions and reflections by the audience on the importance of such projects in the current educational landscape; The teachers have shown great interest and participation, required depth and stressed the importance of a new vision of music education according to a multi-cultural interpretation within the Mediterranean region.

7. After a Neapolitan tarantella, the workshop ends with the traditional Cypriot dance sousta, used to close the event in an enjoyable and satisfying way.
