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International Call

International Conference 2018 Call

The International Call for Presentations is now open

Proposals for presentations compatible with the conference theme(s) are invited in any of the following formats:

  • Paper presentations (up to 20 minutes with 10 minutes of discussion);
  • Symposia presentations (up to 60 minutes). Please submit abstracts with each named speaker and their institutional affiliation, along with an abstract on how the symposium presentations link together and the details of the panel leader.
  • Lecture recitals (up to 35 minutes). Proposal submissions should specify the exact length and be accompanied by a short curriculum of the presenter and links;
  • Workshops (up to 60 minutes); Proposal submissions should specify exact length and be accompanied by a short curriculum of the presenter and links;
  • Concerts involving children (up to 45 minutes). Proposal submissions should specify the exact length and be accompanied by a short curriculum of the presenter and links.

Authors should submit abstracts of up to 500 words and their resumes at the email addresses:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

General enquiries

General enquiries about registration, travel and lodging should be sent to   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


International Call for Papers: 15 July 2017

Abstracts must be received by 10 December 2017 (No late submissions will be accepted)

Presenters will be notified by 15 January 2018.

Conference Registration deadline: 28 February 2018.

Submission of Registration is considered valid and registration is considered completed only with the receipt of the proof of the bank transferred fees.

All registered participants will be notified upon receipt of all required documents.

Submission Review

All submissions will be fully reviewed and selected by members of the Mediterranean Forum committees. 

All submissions and presentations must be in English. Submissions that are not presented in the required formats will not be considered. For presentation(s) in French, please contact CCRSM in advance. For Greek-speaking presenters who are unable to present in English, they can do so provided they (a) submit a summary of 1500-2000 words in English upon confirmation of their registration and (b) provide a PowerPoint presentation and any other material in English.

Spoken Papers abstracts

​Abstracts must be in English and of up to 500 words in length and will appear in the Conference programme for all presenters. The Abstract should not include references. The Abstract should include the following 5 items:

  • theoretical/pedagogical background of the paper
  • aim/focus of the work/research reported
  • method/approach of the work
  • results and/or summary of the main ideas
  • conclusions and implications for music education.

Demonstrations/Workshops of best practice

A demonstration/workshop submission consists of an abstract of up to 350 words in length. The abstract should provide background information, the purpose of the workshop, content, method, and applications in music education. Duration of the workshop: 60 minutes. Full audiovisual equipment and adequate technical support is available for all presentations. A grand piano is also available in the conference room.

All presenters are responsible for the resources necessary for their respective presentations. The organizers will NOT provide any additional/ special equipment.


Symposia will consist of a set of integrated spoken papers related to a theme. The total time allowed for a Symposium is 60 minutes and consists of presentations (3 or 4) and discussions according to the decisions of the convener. The Symposia will be chaired by a Symposium Chair who will submit the main 500-word Abstract that includes the purpose and justification for the session to be published in the Conference Abstract Book.

Multiple Submissions Policy

No individual will be permitted to present in more than 2 Papers, Symposia or Workshop/Demonstration sessions, depending on the overall number of submissions.

Areas and topics of presentations

  • Childhood studies in music
  • Citizenship and personhood
  • Community music and children
  • Cultural studies
  • Cultural, musical identities and musical enculturation and music learning/teaching
  • Early childhood music education (general, instrumental, vocal and movement-based music education)
  • Early childhood educationalists and music teacher preparation
  • European art Music
  • Evaluation and assessment in music education for children
  • Informal music learning and children
  • Mediterranean musics
  • Mobility in the Mediterranean, identities and music education
  • Multiculturalism, interculturality in ECME
  • Music by and for children
  • Music childhoods and media
  • Music education and cultural policymakers
  • Music, education and interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary approaches
  • Music education’s contribution to social inclusion, solidarity, peace and coexistence within diversity and difference
  • Music pedagogy and latest research and practice developments, findings and contribution
  • Music in schools
  • Musical anthropology and ethnomusicology of musical childhoods
  • Musical childhoods (past, presence, future, from pre-birth–8 years old)
  • Musical childhoods within and across contexts
  • Musical Cognition
  • Musical histories, cultures, traditions and heritage, past, present and future, in the Mediterranean
  • Musical identities
  • Musical play
  • Musical psychology and development
  • Musicians’ professional development and children’s music teaching and learning
  • Musicology and childhood
  • Pregnancy and music
  • Primary music education and musical childhoods
  • Sociology of music and music education
  • Underprivileged children and music education
  • University coursework and in-service training for music teacher preparation and vocational work

Date and Venue:

20-22 April 2018

Cultural Centre, European University Cyprus

6 Diogenous Street, Egkomi 2404

Nicosia, Cyprus

