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MusiChild Intensive Training Course

MusiChild Intensive Training Course was the culmination of the project's activities throughout the first year of the Project. Its intellectual outputs were implemented in a coherent and focused way, suitable for teacher training. The course was 30-hours long over a five day period, 6-10 July 2015, in Ionian University Corfu, Greece

The different activities conveyed:
(a) the different functions of music in human cultural systems and the socio-cultural factors that created such musical systems 
(b) that music is a universal phenomenon and biological trait of humans, but not a universal language, 
(c) that there are many different musical languages, each one of them with its own structure, content and rules of creation and participation.  
These course's activities enabled participants to overcome cultural barriers and musically function within different Mediterranean musical languages to a certain extent.

The suggested activities for early childhood music education empowered participants to implement such practices in teaching the young children, promoting intercultural understanding, poly-musical competence, tolerance and adaptability. Trainees were focused on options and possibilities rather than limitations and started creating their own agendas for intercultural agency-focused early childhood music education.

Five graduate students and/or early childhood educationalists from each country attended the training course. These participants formed the initial leaven for the implementation and further dissemination of the partnership's intellectual outcomes.

The trainees returned to their countries and for 3 months were required to implement these outputs in their schools or via consequent multiplier events to assist teachers to use MusiChild's material and develop relevant projects.